
The Ambassadors are the men & women that we collaborate with in order to safely deliver basic help to their communities. We extend our gratitude to them for their support in our efforts to help their communities and for their assistance in facilitating ancestral practices & teachings with modern societies.

Ancestral Wisdom Lineage Holders

Tha Wiyaka Wakan

Tha Wiyaka Wakan

Tha Wiyaka Wakan is of Dine´ ancestry. His clans are the Bitterwater people on his mom’s side, the Edgewater people on his father’s side, Toweringhouse on his maternal side, and the One Who Walks Around on his paternal side.

His name is of a warrior, given to him from a vision of one of his uncles.

He is a ceremonial man, answering to different ceremonial callings; Keeper of the Dine´ origin stories, vision translator, and in service to Spirit and our mother Earth.

He was born in a Hogan on sheepskin, within the sacred mountains of the Dine’ people. His people still practice and maintain their ceremonies and language, which was derived from the sounds of nature.

Lovon Lama Shagdarsuren Baynjargal

Shagdarsuren Baynjargal has been serving as the Lovon Lama of the Tuvkhun Monastery in Mongolia for 23 years. In 1993, when he first arrived in the monastery, the foundation of the old temple was nothing but a ruin. For 28 years now, he has been working devotedly to restore this sacred site.

If you are interested in assisting Akhamani in supporting the maintenance and restoration of the monastery, you can visit the Tuvkhun Monastery page.

Los Kogui

From the Sierra Nevada of Gonawindúa, Santa Marta, Colombia.

Mama ,awisen Ukualkan 2

Mama AWISEN Ukualkan
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Messenger of Semuguece.
Specialized in Coalama- Nutritional Healing

Saka ,maría Isabel Daza Dingula

Saka Maria Isabel Daza Dingula
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Wife of Mama Awisen Ukualkan. Zara.
Water healer through sound; communicates with water to transmit the messages that it carries.

Mama,miguel Conchacala

Mama Miguel Conchacala
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Wathku musician Sound Healer.
Heals through working with nutrition and the elements of wind and fire.

Saka ,maría Acinta

Saka Maria Jacinta Conchacala
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Nutritional Healer.

Mama,luis Barros

Mama Luis Barros Conchacala
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Mama de Chatoqua. He consults with Se. Works in union with Jacinto.

Saka,maría Luisa

Saka Maria Luisa
Kogui Spiritual Guide


Mama Francisco
Kogui Spiritual Guide

Acinto Moscote Alberto

Jacinto Moscote Alberto
Kogui Spiritual Guide

Mama,feliciano Gil Daza

Mama Feliciano Gil Daza
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Wathku musician Sound Healer.
Plays a Gaita, a form of flute.
He plays all varieties of elementals and works with the energies of the elements to heal.

Juana Barros Conchacala

Juana Barros Conchacala
Kogui Spiritual Guide
Drum Sound Healer.

Plays to different bodies of water; from lake to ocean. Heals water through music.


Mama Rumazhi
Kogui Spiritual Guide

Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin Rinpoché


Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin took his monk’s vows at the age of 14. He studied the Thirteen Major Texts with Khenchen Nawang Gyalpo Rinpoché and other khenpos. He also received the entire Lamdré-cycle of empowerments of the Ngor-Sakya lineage from Khensur Khenchen Rinpoché. Additionally, he received many Nyingma empowerments and teachings from Lama Togden Rinpoché and Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoché. Later, Khenpo Rinpoché joined the Drikung Kagyu Institute at Jangchub Ling in Dehra Dun where met His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoché. The spontaneous devotion that Khenpo felt for His Holiness, lead his Holiness to allow him to join the monastery and continue his education there.

Having already completed the first four years of his studies at other monasteries, Khenpo Rinpoché quickly completed his education at Jangchub Ling. After three years of teaching lower classes in the monastic college, he was enthroned by His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang Rinpoché as a “Khenpo” in 1998. He spent three more years teaching Buddhist philosophy at the Institute. In between his busy schedule first as a student and later as an instructor, Khenpo Rinpoché completed the Ngondro, Chakrasamvara, and other practices while in retreat. In April 2001, Khenpo Rinpoché arrived at the TMC to assist Khenchen Rinpoché and also to improve his mastery of the English language so that he can be of more benefit to the spread of Dharma. He began teaching at TMC in August of that year and was subsequently appointed as co-spiritual director of TMC by Khenchen Rinpoché. Khenpo Rinpoché is known and loved for his engaging teaching style as well as his complete lack of pretensions.

Khenpo Khenzur Nyima Wangyal Rinpoche


Khenzur Nyima Wangyal Rinpoche is a contemporary lay Dzogchen master, a disciple of His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche — his root master — and of His Holiness, the late 33rd Menri Tridzin, Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche. Erudite in Dzogchen Bön, he lives with his family in France, near Paris where he has been teaching since 2015, offering an introduction to the Dzogchen view.

In 1995, Khenpo Nyima Wangyal decided to leave the monastery and its monastic rules in order to live as a Tibetan yogi in different countries, situations, and circumstances. He felt, according to his nature, that this would be a good way to develop his practice of Dzogchen.

He shares with people that seek the experiential instructions that point to the realization of the natural state of the mind, the integration of all phenomena with the primordial dimension, the continuity of the practice, the development of meditation, and confidence during the meditative journey. He emphasizes the importance of openness, lucidity, genuine experience, the wide sharing of the means, and the fruits of the practice.

Wanbli Watakpe-Charging Eagle


My intention is to share my life journey and experiences. My understanding of Wicohan-Traditions, Culture, Philosophy of our Ancestors of Ehanni-Long ago. Many things have changed since I was a young man and I was fortunate to meet many who shared with me.

When we do a Ceremony and leave an important part out, that is change. When we do things “Unzak’sak-Half Way”, that is change.

When we make up explanations without actual knowledge, we change Ehanni Wicohan.

I always try to give credit when it is due and I have no issue with sharing because our Wicohan should not be a secret or mystery of why we do things.

Sharing is a way our Ancestors assure Wicohan lives into future generations. I am 65 years old what I share is from my life’s Journey-Zuya. I see our ways changing since I was a teenager and started my Spiritual Journey in the 1970s.

Out of respect if you’re going to share please give credit no matter who you share from. You’re welcome to share my story. Thank you.

Geshe Lhundup


He was born into a nomadic family in Kham, Tibet. At the age of 12, he entered Patsang Monastery, of the Yungdrung Bön lineage. There he received the teachings and transmissions of Dzogchen and Trul-Khor, as well as Tsa-Lung from several great Dzogchen masters of the Bön tradition. In 1993, at the age of 17, Geshé Lhundup decided to leave his native country. After a month’s walk, he arrived at Triten Norbutse Monastery in Nepal. From there, continued to Menri Monastery in northern India. It was there that after another 15 long years of study, he received the title of Geshe (Doctor of Buddhist Philosophy). Traditional studies for all monks are composed of Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, as well as Tibetan Grammar, Poetry, Astrology, Medicine, Mandala Painting, Calligraphy, Yoga, and meditation. Geshe Lhundup now teaches in several cities in France and Europe to introduce you to the ancestral wisdom and culture of Tibet.

Gazom Lhamo

My name is Gazom Lhamo. Since 2010, I live in France with my family. I was born in Kham Nangchen Chopdak, Tibet; A nomadic village surrounded by high mountains, bordered by a river and a meadow.
When I was little, I loved singing the songs that my grandmother taught me. My grandmother had a very beautiful voice and loved to sing. She often said to me, “When you sing, you don’t feel tired or uncomfortable.” She sang to assert herself while working. At the age of 7, I started singing traditional solo songs in front of an audience; My specialty is Khamlu singing. Since then, I have been singing traditional songs, Khamlu, and gradually I started chanting Mantras. All the songs come from my heart and I share them with everyone with pleasure.

Ayya Yeshe

Ayya Yeshe is a Buddhist nun and a socially engaged Buddhist activist. She is the director of Bodhicitta Foundation, a socially engaged Buddhist charity that empowers poor Indian women and children in the slums of India. Ayya is also a published author, inspiring teacher, and sacred chants artist.

She is the author of ‘Everyday Enlightenment’, which was published by Harper Collins. She is featured in the documentaries ‘Life Beyond the Begging Bowl’ and ‘Through the Eastern Gate’. As a sacred Chants artist, she recorded the CD ‘Dakini’ (Buddhist chants to empower the Divine Feminine). Moreover, she. is the founder of the Bodhicitta Foundation NGO and of the Bodhicitta International Socially Engaged Buddhist Community.

Her teachers are Sakya Trizen (the second highest Lama in Tibetan Buddhism) and Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh (the Nobel peace prize nominee, peace activist, and poet).

Ehekatl Cipactli – Wind of the Dragon


I am a descendant of the ancestral Mechika lineage, practitioner, and diffuser of the Toltequidad-  “the art of good living”.

I am an initiate of the practice that corresponds to my ancestral virtues, which marks our ancestral tonalamatl calendar. After many years of learning the sacred ways of working with the element of fire, I was appointed the recognition and the degree of a Fire Woman; Also known as Bearer of the Fire Element. Through my continued service in an impeccable and honorable way, I have earned the degree of an Ancestral Medicine Woman.

I am also The Co-founder of the Mechika Nahualcoyotl Tollocan ancestral tradition group and of the Teocalli healing house, whose vision is to rescue, give significance to, and share the ancestral knowledge that still persists in order to form conscious faces and hearts.

And in this long journey of experience and transformation, I have focused my will and strength on the unification of the sacred feminine, to the respect and love of our mother earth.

Diffusers, Researchers, & Authors of Ancestral Wisdom

Ruth Amarilis  Rodriguez Sotomayor, PhD

For more than 50 years, Doctor Ruth Rodríguez Sotomayor has characterized herself as a researcher, committed to recovering the real history of humanity, from the documentary scientific field of the wisdom of the world’s native peoples.

All of her investigations and books constitute a tribute to recovering the universal respect of the original peoples and their descendants, who, are the true AMERICANS.

She is considered one of the last links in the investigation that has woven and recovered the original names of both the geographical regions (towns) and the ancestral settlers.

She has led various conferences on her research in multiple international forums, including:

  • PRE-AMERICAN WRITING SYSTEMS, BOOKS AND LIBRARIES”. Literary Scientific Ateneo. Madrid (1986).
  • KARA-MAYA MOTHER RACE OF HUMANITY AND PRE-AMERICAN MIGRATION, 12,000 BC. at the C. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PREHISTORY, HELD IN KÖRMENT AND BUDAPEST, HUNGARY. April 2012. Organized by the Cultural Association for the Study of Pre-history “Móricz Janos”.
  • THE ÎBEROS AND THEIR PRE-AMERICAN ORIGIN. Conference. Spanish-Ecuadorian Institute. Madrid 2012.

To know more about her extensive career, research, and published books, please click here.

Luz Del Carmen Rodríguez Santiago

Luz Del Carmen Rodríguez Santiago is the Vice President of Educayotl AC where she promotes the culture of the Toltecáyotl.

In her studies, she received a teaching degree in Foreign Languages and has served as an Art Education Teacher from 2000 to 2016 and as an English teacher, PNIEB, from 2009 to 2016. Moreover, she was a FOESCA scholar in Dramaturgy from 1995-96 and a School Theater Coordination from 2001-02.

Additionally, she is a performer and teacher of regional and national dance.

Leo Bardo Peña


Ancestral wisdom is the tool by which humans maintain their memory and mission on this wonderful planet. The experience that brings a human to consciousness is, to a large extent, that which nourishes the universe as it comes to know itself through its own creation; This is what I have found in my path through committing myself every day to honor the clarity of life.

I was born in Mexico being a traveler in time; My human lineage has led me to know, travel, and explore various sacred areas of my country and South America; Among which include caves, mountains, forests, deserts, jungles, and natural sanctuaries where the cosmos-earth connection stores its memories.

As a researcher and communicator, I diffuse the voice of the ancestral wisdom of the original peoples of the Earth and of those who visit us from the vast universe because both invite us to reflect, unify and evolve the expanding consciousness. 

For our humanity, there is still great hope of recovering and accompanying the cosmic order if we are responsible, compassionate, and loving as a collective.     

Thank You Crizalia Le Blan – Ome-Ocelotl, gracias Akhamani.

Community Representatives

Lorna Wanyama


I am a community agriculture extension worker. I train the community on food production, participatory food preparation demonstrations, and food utilization. I also promote school gardening.

During my agriculture missions, I met girls who dropped out of school because they felt ashamed when they started their menstruation due to stigmatization. They simply could not afford sanitary towels, which added to the sense of feeling ashamed. Other girls engage in sex for pads sleeping with men to buy them pads because they couldn’t afford them. As such, I decided to take a course in health to become an ambassador for women’s health.

I now visit schools to train them on menstrual hygiene management, the dangers of early sex, and teenage pregnancies. When I am fortunate to receive donations, I supply them with sanitary towel kits, panties, and soap. My hope behind this is to keep girls in schools. I am kindly reaching out to my fellow women and well-wishers to support us so that we may reach more girls.

Ancestral Wisdom Practitioners

Akhamani is currently in discussion with potential Ancestral Wisdom Practitioners. We first must assure that they align with our core values and objectives.

Becoming an Akhamani Ambassador

We typically meet our Ambassadors through our events and activities in person. This approach gives us the opportunity to directly exchange with them in order to establish relationships based on mutual trust and shared values. This way, we guarantee quality experiences in the events that we organize with them or that we facilitate for them. It also helps us secure the proper & safe distribution of aid across the various populations that we help within their communities.

Role of an Ancestral Wisdom Lineage Holder

The Ancestral Wisdom Lineage Holders are the men and women who have cultivated, through long years of personal experience, practice, and discipline, the ancestral teachings of their people. Their distinguishing qualities are their deep humility and reverence for life and all of creation. According to their respective lineages, only their experience stands for the wisdom that they safeguard and that they can transmit to others.

They commit to facilitating the teachings, methods, practices, & ceremonies of their people through workshops and retreats that allow the international public of the association to appreciate and understand ancestral ways and practices. The intention of their involvement is to promote a holistic, conscious, and sustainable world. They also undertake and promote the activities of the association and support other Ambassadors of Akhamani. Their activities align with the objectives of the association.

Role of an Akhamani Diffuser, Researcher, & Authors of Ancestral Wisdom

They are committed to promoting the activities of the association and undertake to share, through videoconference or in person, the methods and practices of the traditions that they have studied or researched according to topics that are relevant to the objectives of the association.

Role of a Community Representative

The Community Representatives of Akhamani are the men and women that actively work to promote the collective well-being of their communities. They assist educational, health, nutritional & agricultural projects, and they gather and provide community resources like food, basic medicine, sanitary kits, clothes, and community materials. With their help, Akhamani distributes basic necessities to vulnerable populations worldwide.

Role of a Practitioner of Ancestral Wisdom

The Practitioners of Ancestral Wisdom have been initiated and trained according to an ancestral tradition, are sponsored and presented by an Ancestral Wisdom Lineage Holder to Akhamani, or are invited by the Governing Body to join the Association. They are also committed to promoting the activities of the association. They undertake to share, in collaboration with other Ambassadors, through videoconference or in person, the methods and practices of their tradition of initiation in relevance to the objectives of the association

To learn about the retreats, workshops, and alternative healing methods that we facilitate through Akhamani, visit our Events page.


You can be of direct assistance to ancestral communities and vulnerable populations around the world by making a donation. All donations are considered charitable tax deductions in all of the European countries, the USA, and other parts of the World.

Assisting Akhamani means helping to support populations, cultures, knowledge, and places that tend to disappear while creating a real link that transcends borders.

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To learn more about what we do with your help, please visit our Donations page.