Online Gallery


Online Gallery – Artwork by Usawuabi Emilio Carillo Gonzalez

Emilio Usawuabi2 Improved

My original name, “Usawuabi,” means the sacred blue paint found only in the Wirikuta desert. This vibrant pigment adorns the faces of pilgrims and decorates offering arrows destined for sacred sites. I live in a town called AARUXI PA, located in the Sierra Madre Occidental’s Wixárika region. Our community is the home of many artists who honor an extraordinary worldview, embracing ceremonial traditions and respecting the magnificent nature that surrounds us.
We live in profound gratitude to Mother Earth (tatei yurie’naka), striving to be worthy of each day’s dawn.

Below, you’ll discover a selection of my artwork, including intricate bead pieces (Chaquira) and vibrant yarn pictures made in tradition of our Wixárika heritage.
If you’re interested in acquiring any of these creations, please contact me through Akhamani (click here).

Many of my pieces can be customized, and I’m happy to craft art tailored to your preferences. I’m also grateful for opportunities to travel and exhibit my work at cultural events worldwide, and I warmly welcome invitations to share my art with diverse audiences.


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